Monday, July 27, 2009

Good Bye, Old Friend

My grill fed me at many Packers games at Lambeau, Brewers games at Miller, Mallards games at Werner, grill outs on the deck in Oregon and quick grill outs in the garage in Howards. But today I mourn for her. My grill finally lit it's last fire.

I know it's a grill, but it's more than that to me. To me it is memories. Doug melting the spatula to it in 10 degree weather at Lambeau. Making Matt grill at Miller Park because I was too busy ogling the hots chicks in J.J. Hardy jerseys (and because I bought the cheese brats, damn it.) Ed and I trying to keep it lit while tailgating before the cold, cold, cold Packer playoff games. Chilling at a Mallards game while waiting to get our free beer glass. Having to grill steaks in the snow because my Dad had to work late. Sitting on the deck, bull shitting with Matt with the aroma of grilling brats wafting in the air. Loading it time after time into my truck to start a journey that no one knew how it would end.

It was an end of an era today.

I guess I'm off to Target to buy a new one...and make some new memories.

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