Monday, May 11, 2009

My 360 Blogs Too!

Anyone who has an XBOX 360 and is connected to the internet should visit and sign up for an account. (It is free, but you do have to disable some privacy settings for your gamer profile.) It is one of the coolest sites I've found relating to the XBOX 360. It takes your gamer profile activity and turns it into a blog, FROM THE 360'S POINT-OF-VIEW! It blogs each day and also blogs a weekly recap. If I change my gamer pic or avatar (which is to the left,) then the blog also updates that. If my gamer rep goes up or down, the 360 blogs about it. It even recaps my gamerscore. You can check out my Lunchbox37 blog HERE. As a sample, this was my 360's weekly recap for May 11th...

Lunchbox37's Weekly Recap - May 11 2009

My eye! It burns! A weekly recap is all that can save me! Here goes: Oh man are my cores just rocking... Lunchbox37 played seven days last week! SEVEN! That is a NUMBER SEVEN followed by NO ZEROS! HOT! We added 20 points of gamerscore which ain't too shabby. Oh, and Lunchbox37 must have been in the mood to shoot things last week. We played some serious FPS! BF: Bad Company was the favorite game. He played it on 7 of the days.

And that is the news for now... Check back next week... same bat time, same bat channel...
Isn't that the coolest shit in the world?

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